During his visit to China professor Carsten Ahrens, vice-president of WCCE, met professor Yuan Si, vice-president of the China Civil Engineering Society (CCES), who obtains this position since a number of years. He will be holding this post at least till the new president has been elected, which will happen in 2012.

It was the 3rd meeting between professor Si and professor Ahrens as colleagues of their respective universities (Professor Si is actually also the vice-president of one of China’s most renowned universities, Tsinghua University, Beijing).

But this meeting was the 1st in the mission to find out whether there may exist a common interest for a partnership between CCES and WCCE and a later membership of CCES in the world council. During the discussion it turned out that CCES in general is interested to cooperate with WCCE, but its members do not know too much about WCCE. To get to know more about the new voice for civil engineering topics worldwide and to distribute it to its members professor Si offered to hold common meetings. This could start with reciprocal invitations to annual meetings or any other type of event.


Professor Yuan Si concluded the discussion with the wording that CCES as a representative of China’s civil engineers is wiling and interested to promote the civil engineers’ interests worldwide and – hopefully – as a member of WCCE.